Our Choirs

A truly life changing opportunity to join one of the finest choirs in the world.

How our Choir Structure works

Barnsley Youth Choir seeks to provide opportunities to children, young people and adults of all ages and abilities. BYC now has 9 separate sections which cater for children as young as 4 years old. Our sister organisations, Little Singers and Barnsley Singers, ensure that we are able to provide singing opportunities to all ages.

Decisions on which choir a child should join are based on age, skill level & experience.

Ages 0 - 4 years old (pre-school)
About this Choir
Ages 0 - 4 years old (pre-school)
About the Choir
Ages 4-7 years old (of school age)
About this Choir
Ages 4-7 years old (of school age)
About the Choir
Ages 7-12 years old
About the Choir
Ages 7-12 years old
About the Choir
Ages 7-12 years old
About the Choir
Ages 7-12 years old
About the Choir
Ages 10-16 years old
About the Choir
Ages 14-24 years old
About the Choir
Ages 18+ years old
About the Choir